Thursday, June 2, 2011

Planning a Group Camping Trip

Just as the title states, planning a group camping trip via email. Just for FYI, Jessica's nickname is Poopy so those names are exchangeable. Just to avoid confusion. As if that nickname isn't confusing.

Also, in case anyone hasn't figured it out my real name is Tara.

Click to enlarge if you can't make out the text.



  1. Oilfield Trash - Lol I don't know if that was intentional or not. I wondered.

  2. Still loving your new masthead. Have fun camping, and try not to die!

  3. Chi-town Southerner - Thanks ma'am! And if I don't come back from this trip then everyone will know who to blame (Justin).

  4. LMAO. I had to scratch one of my group camping trips this year because it didn't time out right but this reminds me of during planning how my friends decided we should take a video camera and do a series of mini clips including a blair witch spoof and 'bears can smell the menstruation' bear attack.

  5. Sweet! I need to try some of that car camping stuff... been backpacking and beer is SO HEAVY. Your way sounds funner.

  6. Miss Tsa - Lol. I didn't even think about a video camera. I don't think I want to take one. I'm not going to shower for like four days and I'll probably drink a lot. A camera isn't a good idea.
    Leauxra - Oh for sure, we're loading up like 1/2 the car with beer. We're going to be drinking a lot. But then again, I might just be dead.

  7. The older I get the more I realize how much I love easy stuff. Camping sounds like so much work. When did I get so old? haha. BTW, I never noticed these adorable little baby chicks on your screen. Enjoy your trip and we want pictures!!

  8. Bouncin' Barb - Yeah I really have little to no real camping experience. I'm just kind of going along for the ride and hoping Justin takes care of everything else. And yeah, my special little chicks. I thought they were pretty appropriate for the blog until I get around to designing my own background.

  9. i fell in love @ "hippie mace".

    i'm thinking you'll also need outside games (like those sticky mitts that you use to play catch- am i the only one who uses those...?), some car adapter phone charger things, plenty of towels, and meth. lots of meth.

  10. You're Lucky I Don't Have a Gun - LOLOLOLOLOL Meth. I think rather than games to play we're just going to take beer to drink. That's pretty much all I plan on doing :-)

  11. Love the lists! and the drawing. How about toilet paper? That would be big on my list!

  12. Awesome, Tara! Your emails read like mine with my friends! This was awesome without you even having mentioned "Ihomo" (is he ripping on my iPhone??? For his sake, I hope not) or "hippie mace."

    Believe it or not, I have included "hippie mace" on my list of things to bring on a trip. No shit.

    I like Justin. (PS- he's the BF, right?)

    Also, you just gaves me an idea (yes "gaves" was intentional): you said you had an iPhone-quest story you should share. I have a "my friends send ridiculous emails" story to share.

    I forget the idea, but you get the idea.

    ::pausing to reflect on that last sentence::

    Yeah... that's good stuff.

  13. Caleb - I think it might have been a typo. He's got an iPhone that he nuts about all the time and he's super jealous of my Mac. I think he meant the 'iHome'. And yes, he's the lucky man that gets to court me and my hairy legs. And yay! We'll trade blog ideas! :-D
    Zertuzzi - Oh why thanks mmmmmmmm.

  14. Love how Jessica calls Justin a simple tool, and he just keeps on going like he didn't even see it. also, I lol'ed at ihomo(even though that might be a typo), and buckets of sunscreen.

    Also, liked your reply all in all caps when Justin pointed out you needed to reply all.

  15. I'm a total nature wimp. My family's idea of the wilderness is the space in between cities. Good luck!

  16. jarrod877 - He DIDN'T see it until I sent that email laughing about it. And he's such a fucking baby. "Reply all, Tara". Reply all MY ASS.
    Lemons Don't Make Lemonade - Hahahahaha. Not necessary. :-)
    Riot Kitty - Yeah I'm not much of a nature person either. I've been on camping trips in.... motor homes. I've only slept in a tent outside MAAAAYBE four times in my whole life. Bugs and sweating just aren't my thing.

  17. And he's such a fucking baby. "Reply all, Tara". Reply all MY ASS. Love the comment. I know exactly what your talking about.

    To be fair, he got off rather easy. You could have replied all with something even meaner than all caps. lol

  18. I do not camp. Because no matter what you bring (even the mystical, magical baby wipes) everything comes back dirty. Forever. It will never be clean again.


    S'mores and beer. So, that's like, a tie.

  19. Tara! I love putting a name to the Cake Betch!
    And yeah, if I was on that camping trip, my dead body would be right next to yours. Actually, I might not make it on the trip, I might have taken my own life first: I hate camping!

  20. My idea of "being one with nature" is pulling weeds out of my landscaping. That is, until two minutes later, and I run back into the house because I see something of the insect variety that disgusts and frightens me.

  21. Wait, your name isn't really Cake?!

  22. Jarrod877 - Oh I totally could have. I typically verbally abuse him all day long though so I felt like being nice for once. Well, that's my relatively nice. :-D
    Nicole - S'mores! I didn't even think of s'mores. Yes! We will definitely have to bring stuff to make those. That's like a MUST for camping.
    Sandra - Yep, I personally don't like my name, but whatevs, that's my name. I am not much of a camper either. We'll see how this goes.
    Tonya aka Hobo Girl - Yeah, and I don't even like doing that. We have an ivy bed in the front that CONSTANTLY has massive thistles. Whenever I spend time pulling them I always get cut fingers and like a zillion mosquito bites.
    TS Hendrik - I know right??? I think i would be mad at my mom if she actually named me Cake.

  23. I do too. I love pulling the ivy though. It's cathartic. Like splitting my split ends. :)

  24. Roger. Also, you might find it interesting that I actually hate mac computers. Love the iPhone, hate the mac. LJ has one and I swear its possessed by the devil.

  25. Tonya aka Hobo Girl - Hahahaha. I don't like doing that! I like picking at my lips though. I think I just don't like being outdoors that long, especially when it's super hot or super cold. You don't get really temperate weather in Columbus, it's pretty much balls hot or frigid cold.
    Caleb - You know I didn't really like them either; I had to get one for my degree program. I slowly stated using it more and more and I wouldn't say I'm a mac convert but I definitely prefer it to my HP laptop.

  26. Caleb - But it doesn't have Paint so I have to use my computer at work :-)

  27. I just want to warn you, one of your cars looks like a mutated shark. You may want to get that checked before you go camping. Mutated shark cars are the number 4 killer of teens and young adults.

  28. A Beer for the Shower - It's cool, it wasn't really meant to be anything other than representative. Lord knows I'm not that fucking skinny and I have more than two strands of hair. And I'm not dead.

  29. love it, sounds like some good times are about to be had!

  30. Rebecca - Hahaha yeah.... hopefully....

  31. Wow... according to the picture, you must have starved to death.

  32. Bluzdude - Yeah I know. I have X's for eyes too. And only two strands of hair. Hrmmmm

  33. I don't think I've ever seen a question mark after grill before. Like grilling is ever a question?

    You mean there is an option?

  34. Please watch Dual Survival, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud and all other Survival shows b4 proceeding! LOL

    And don't forget your balls.


  35. bahahaha. Hubs has been trying to get me to go camping.. he always acts like we don't go cos I don't want to go, but I'm more than willing, he just won't plan or spend money on the stuff we need--and I'm TOTALLY NOT going to plan this shit. I hate outdoorsy stuff.


  36. Damn, I thought I would be the only one who notcied "iHomo". That shit cracks me up!

    I have never been camping, but I'm pretty sure you would have to draw my dead body too.

    Oprah almost got it right with her quote on camping, but I'll make a little addition: "Black people & gays don't like pretending they're homeless on the weekends."

  37. Mrsblogalot - Yeah really, I don't know what else we're going to do if we don't take a grill. Eat sammiches?
    John - I've seen a few of them and they make my stomach turn. If I have to eat live snakes or drink my own urine I'm insisting on coming home.
    greengeekgirl - I am not an outdoorsy person either. Not when I can't escape to the indoors in a relatively short amount of time. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing.
    iambmac - Hahahahahahaha. I've never heard that before!! I'm not a fan of being homeless either. Showering and eating and air conditioning are juuuuust fine with me.

  38. Dude, what marketing person thought up iHomo? Like seriously. Was that a joke? I could never handling camping. I'm so afraid of bugs and bears. Even as a kid, summer camp was so stressful for me. I'm so lame.

  39. Ally - Honestly I am not a camper myself. I've been for real camping (i.e. not inside a motor home) maaaaaaaaaaaybe twice in my life. This is going to be a real testament to my character if I make it four days and haven't had a nervous breakdown or insisted on being taken home. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

  40. just reading the banter here,I can see you are going to have a great time :)

  41. Laughing Vault - That would be such a great place for zombie outbreak!
    IWASNTBLOGGEDYESTERDAY - I really hope so. I really, really hope so.

  42. Haha, a couple of those stick out... like the "tools" that you pointed out and "hippie mace" and "iHomo/radio." Funny post.

    How did she get the nickname, "Poopy?"

  43. Justin totally needs to go into landscape design - he'd be terrific! And I'm still laughing at "hippie mace." Great new header by the way!

  44. Rico Swaff - Everyone loves the hippie mace and the iHomo.

    I'm not really 100% sure. Her husband gave her the nickname before he was her husband and since his sister is named Jessica too we all started calling her Poopy or Poo so we didn't confuse the two. It just stuck. I forget that I'm referring to her as feces when we're out in public and get the strangest looks some times.
    Dr. Cynicism - IKR? His paint skills rival mine. We're competing for "shittiest drawing skills with shittiest program evar." Thanks on the header! :-D

  45. ITT technologically-advanced flirting like pre-pubescents

  46. -E- - I'm confused E. Who is flirting? Perhaps I'm missing something.

  47. Oh I loved camping with my friends when I was young(er). Your friends sound like a cool bunch of peeps. - G

  48. How come this is the only post filed under "Tara's Dead Body"? Yes, I checked.

  49. That was damn funny! Should be a fun trip.
    Back in the day, we used to go camping alot. One item that was always on our list was LSD...
    Made for some interesting camping.
    These days, we camp in an RV!

  50. My nickname for my girlfriend is Poopy. There's no significance, I just really enjoy saying it.

  51. ShanimalsCrackers - I know, that was so clever, I would never have thought to put him down like that.
    Georgina Dollface - I don't know that camping for five straight days in 90+ degree weather is something I want to do again any time soon. But maybe two days or something would be fun. And yes, they're totally cool peeps (my cousin and his wife) - thank god or we would have killed each other.
    Stephanie - Hahahahaha. I guess so far it's the only time that the label has come up! That's okay with me :-)
    - Pat Tillett - We didn't take anything TOO crazy... just some beer and some.... liquor. Right, liquor. It wasn't too bad a time :-)
    Elliot MacLeod-Michael - I kind of think that might be why he called her that too. He was a little mean to her when they first started dating and I think he just wanted to call her that. He calls her "Squeebs" now. No idea.

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Talk to the Cake Betch - I'll always respond. Unless you're a dick, then I'll just be mad.