More Pointless Information

This is where I tell you things about myself.

I'm not quite sure where to begin though. What kind of information can I give you on this page that will paint an accurate picture of me as a person? Ah fuck it. I'll just list some facts.

THE NAME: I have a decent amount of people ask me this question, so here's the answer:
I picked the name because I've been a cake decorator on and off since I was 18, but most of the time I just felt like I was cake's bitch. I don't decorate anymore because it makes me stabby. Now you know.

I drink a lot of beer, and I'm into craft beers. Rogue is my favorite so far. If you've read any more than one of my posts you probably already know that I drink. A lot.

I learned how to drive an 18 speed semi-truck when I was 14 years old. How deliciously white trash is that?

I have been thrown off a horse, which makes me a cowgirl. You become a cowboy by falling off a cowgirl. Just FYI. No I'm not recruiting.

Bread pudding is my favorite dessert evar.

My ears are pierced six times on each side.

Too much coffee gives me a panic attack but I have to have a big cup or a latte every day.

I live in the city and now that I have experienced city life I'm not sure how I would transition back into the suburbs. I would die of boredom in the country. I have to stay busy to stay sane.

I had an allergy test once... out of 64 things I was allergic to 61. I'm basically allergic to everything, but I don't take no meds, cause I'm hardcore like that.

I wanna go to Italy. Just to eat and drink wine.

When it comes to technology I am what they call a 'late adopter'.

I'm working on my second bachelor's degree. My first is in business, my second will be in visual communication (otherwise known as graphic design).

I love historic houses, even more so if they have ghost stories attached to them.

Aaaaaand I can't think of anything else. Here's a picture of my 26th birthday. Of course I'm the idiot with my flabby arms in the air.

1 comment:

  1. I like the big city too and couldn't quite imagine going back to a little place :)


Talk to the Cake Betch - I'll always respond. Unless you're a dick, then I'll just be mad.