Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Few More Things

Hey Everbudi.

It has been over a month since my last post, and I know a lot of you came here thinking I finally fucking got around to doing something amusing, but alas.

I just wanted to say two things:

1.) Today is my blog's first birthday. It is exactly on this date one year ago that I drew a picture and posted a blog. It's super fucking boring, but if you want to read it, here's a link.

2.) My coworker who is a mechanic and kinda relies on his ability to stand to make a living had a really bad accident at work yesterday. A PVC airline exploded out in the back behind the shop and pretty much decimated his left leg - apparently it blew a edit: it's a 2" hole (not a 1/2" like I originally wrote) through his skin and muscle and snapped a 6" piece of bone out between his knee and shin. Pretty fucking fucked up. He's not going to be able to use it for 8 - 12 months, which is probably not good since he's into the whole manual labor thing.

The kicker (HAHA I MAKE FUNNY PUN) is that he was about to leave for lunch but before he left he took Kaiser out back to use the restroom. While he was standing out there waiting the line exploded and took his grizzled old ass out. He handled it like a boss while he waited for the squad to arrive and I'm sure it didn't feel real good.

We're about to go to the hospital to visit him, so I made him this card to hang on his wall for him to admire until he's discharged. That's his motorcycle; he rode it in yesterday and obviously did not ride it home so we're keeping it in the garage.

Anyway, do me a favor and say a prayer, send up good vibes, do a rain dance - whatever it is you subscribe to - that his leg gets fixed and he's back on his feet and back in the garage being a pain in the ass ASAP. Leave him a nice comment and next week I'll print it off and take it to him so he knows he's got a bunch of support.

Edit:  If you're one of those sick bastards that can handle gross photos, here are some pictures of his leg that I'm republishing with his permission of course.

Please be forewarned - if you can't handle blood, woods, gore, or anything of the kind, you might not want to check these out. They're cleaned up but they're still not the easiest thing to look at.

View of hole
Hole and leg (note the stitches on knee and shin where metal rod was place)
Picture of thigh after skin graft (graft used to up cover hole in leg)

Spanks guys :-)


  1. Hey Mechanic dude -- best wishes and get well soon. It is apparent that you are on the Chuck Norris level of bad-ass-ery. Make sure you make B make you a cake. She claims to be retired. TEST HER COMMITMENT.

  2. I have no idea what a PVC airline is, but I can only assume PVC stands for Pretty Vicious Cunt.

    Prayers and well wishes and gentle hugs for your mechanic friend.

  3. OUCH! That is terrible. I hope you heal quckly and totally and get back on your bike soon!

  4. Oof that's rough, hope your coworker gets better soon.

  5. Poor guy! I will think warm and lemony thoughts for him. Oh. And what Anonymous said.


  6. That is awful :( If anything could cheer him up, I'm sure it is Kaiser on his bike. Also maybe some vodka.

    I will cross my fingers that he has only the most awesome doctors available.

  7. Awh! DDDD: I hope he recovers okay! I'm sending lots of prayers that he heals quickly and isn't in much pain.
    PS: Your blog is a distraction from homework and studying (: I like that! Thank you! hehe

  8. Sounds like someone should relocate the killer airline away from the dog poop area, or vise-versa. I'm just sayin'. Get better, Mechanic dude.

  9. Somehow I am not sure a PVC airline is a good know all pressury and all. Glad you are back but sorry for your friend. I have missed seeing you around the blog comment water cooler!

  10. Good God, poor guy! Will definitely send some good thoughts his way.

  11. Anon - Whoa whoa whoa. I never claimed to be the best, not by a long shot, in fact I really don't decorate anymore because the stress of it not being perfect gets to me too much. Thanks for the well-wishes for Lorin (aka the mechanic) :-)

    Luda - It might as well be. I'm not sure what it technically stands for either but it's a strong, thick plastic that probably feels just as strong as metal when it's coming at you that quickly.

    Pat - He's an ornery son of a bitch, I'm sure he'll be back on his feet soon.

    Sub-Radar-Mike - Me too. Just don't tell him I said that.

    Pearl - Warm and lemony makes me think of pee. Is that wrong?

    grngeekgirl - Vodka makes EVERYTHING better. I was going to take some beer in but apparently the hospital looks down on such a thing, especially after someone comes out of surgery. Whatevs.

    Kjbikakis - Thanks for the well wishes for Lorin (aka the mechanic) :-) I'm sure he'll appreciate them. Also, thanks! I like distractions, obviously.

    Surly Scott - Not a bad idea right? Normally it's buried but they were working on it so it was exposed. That was part of the problem :-/

    Chuck - It is obviously a bitch, as well as high pressured. And I'm sorry I've been totally absent from just about everything online, I haven't been keeping up with my social medias. It's been a long summer. I'll be back around as soon as I get my head out of my ass I'm sure.

    RIot Kitty - Thanks Riot :-)

  12. Wow. That sucks. I really hope he's okay and recovers quickly! I'll be praying for him.

    On a lighter note, I think he'll love your card.

  13. Kimberly - He seemed to like it but he's also high on morphine. I'm jealous. :-D

  14. I think he should get some bubble wrap...bubble wrap makes everything better.

    Dear Lorin

    I am so very sorry to hear about that PVC airline exploding on your leg. That must have hurt like a mother giving birth to a fire baby.

    I wish you the speediest recovery and lots of bubble wrap.

    Love Chelsey from M&M

  15. Prayers going up for all concerned! May he recover quickly, and with a friend like you to boost his spirits, I'm sure he will!

    I'm sure he's a stand-up guy--Sorry--bad pun back at ya!


  16. Chelsey - Bubble wrap is like the best invention ever. You get it, you squeeze it, it makes a pop, you want to squeeze another, and it pops again, and you just need one more, and so on and so forth. It's like the best toy a small child could put in their mouth. I mean...

    John - It's practically a necessity to make bad jokes on my blog. It's just what you do. Thanks John :-)

  17. Gnarly, but he sounds like a trooper. Good luck!

  18. happy blog birthday! it's fun to celebrate the little things!

  19. That's a cute pic to make for him. I hope he gets better asap.

  20. :o(

    In Swahili, sorry is pole. Yeah, I'm pulling out the exoticism card. :D Oh gosh did I just make that about me?


    Pole. :o( Get better soon.

  21. Aaaaaaaaand, haaoy blog birffffdayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Those are ALWAYS fun. :o) Go streak on your street. Go! :o)

  22. RamblingHutch - He's been a trooper so far. There's still at least one more surgery to go.

    Timothy Bowen - Thanks Tim :-)

    Adorably Dead - Me too. Thanks :-D

    theShyNarcissist - Lol, exotic! :-D What's Swahili for thank you? Then I could pretend to be exotic too. I google translated that bitch and it said "shukrani". I don't know if that's right or not, but shukrani!

  23. I love gnarly pictures, since i work in Pathology and whatnot... so thanks for that, and lots of warm fuzzy thoughts for your "not so warm and fuzzy" coworker! :)
    PS: please make more cards. They're better than LOLcats

  24. Hollis H. Notgrass - You're welcome! Gross huh? And thanks for the well wishes. I've never thought about making cards but maybe it's something I should look into. When I'm not drinking or being lazy. Which is always. :-)

  25. Dear Tara's coworker,

    I actually just started working in a plant that makes PVC. In fact I was fire watching in the PVC unit today. I sincerely hope it wasn't our PVC that failed you so horrifically. I'm pretty sure it wasn't, since ours is medical grade. But we may have made that tube thingy sticking out of your leg. Feel better. Brofist.


  26. Elliot MacLeod-Michael - LAWSUIT! FINALLY. I was WAITING for someone to come along that we could sue the pants off of! Did you happen to autograph any of the pipes?

  27. The fact that you didn't post the pics publicly tells me that I probably shouldn't look at them. Objects that pass through my retinas tend to be 100x more horrifying than they appear.

    I so love that card!!!

    Happy belated blogoversary!

  28. Haha I didn't know we were almost the same bloggy age- Sept. 4 was my 1 year "blogoversary"

    That sounds pretty bad...hope all will be quite well. Giving my support!!

  29. - They're not THAT bad, I was just afraid that someone would come along and see them and then I'd get a bunch of angry nasty letters from Moms Protecting Their Internet Trolls from Life. Although if you have a weak stomach you may want to refrain. I'm a pretty big baby and I handled it like a boss. Just sayin'

    ♥α§ђ£ε¥™♥ - Yay! We're like blog twin sisters without all the craziness! Wait. No, there's totally the shared craziness. Never mind.

  30. :D You're right. Shukrani or asante. :o)

  31. theShyNarcissist - Ahhh.... the wonders of Google Translate :-D

  32. Ewww...youch! I viewed the photos because I'm allegedly going to be a nurse and I like to test myself. I was good with it though. Hope this finds you well and am really hoping the graft takes, and well...trying not to make this awkward...however, I think, based on Cake Betch's post, that your attitude is a positive one and your spirit will conquer was that? Was that weird? Does a spirit conquer?...oh crap, just hang in there dude!

  33. I like the yellow sock.

    Get well soon man.

  34. Wow, that is most definitely a hole in a leg. We both wish him well on his recovery! The fact that he still has a leg is all that matters.

  35. Sandra - LOL. I'll send him over to your blog and he can check out all your hot photos. I'm sure he'll wish you were his nurse instead.

    Peevie Juice - Me too. We gave him enough shit about the yellow sock that he got some brown ones instead. Haha!

    A Beer for the Shower - I've got more pictures... maybe one of these days I'll get around to posting them. These are post-graft and even grosser!

  36. Holy shit. That doesn't look good.

    98% of my prayer will be for your friend's speedy and full recovery. The remaining 2% will be for it to never happen to me. I whine all day if I have a hangnail.

    Oh, and I saw a dog that looked just like that walking in front of my house yesterday. WEird.

  37. Caleb - Yeah it's not real sweet. He went home though, so he's happy about that.
    Did you move to Columbus? Cause we walked the big dumb asshole this week.

  38. Daaayyuuuummmm! Best wishes being hurled from my direction :-( On a different note, I was thrilled to see you pop up on my Google Reader. Don't be gone so long next time!

  39. Dr. Cynicism - Awww thanks :-) I don't purposely stay away, I just have been completely void of material lately. Then I work myself into a fit because I feel like I need to post something, so I beat myself up over material, and then the material isn't good enough, so I don't do it. Hence why I have hardly posted anything for three months :-/

  40. But.... how's the dog?

  41. I hope your friend is feeling better!!!

    You make magical cards (-:

  42. rumpydog - Fine, dumb as always!

    Mrsblogalot - He's doing better; he's scheduled for bone graft soon and there will be more down time after that but he's at home and in better spirits. And thanks!

  43. Yikes! So sorry about your friend's leg. Wishing him a speedy recovery...
    Did that card make him laugh or what? It's awesome.
    PS, I am too big of a woos (sp?) to look at the leg pics.
    PPS, found you via our pal Wombat. Congrats on your VBA!

  44. I'm Jennifer. - Yeah he laughed at the card. I made him a few other pictures to hang on his wall at the hospital too but now that he's home I haven't made any more 'art.' He framed one and hung it up in his house.
    PS - Wuss I do believe. It's not that bad, but I'll take your word for it :-)
    PPS - Yay! Thanks! Glad to have you!

  45. damn, that was brutal :/ im doing a rain dance later tonight :)

  46. Lorin,AKA Mechanic Dude AKA Great white hole in legg.. Thanks a mill and a quarter for all the well wishes.The best support ever from my employer and family,even da cake betch, I go Nov 3 for graft schedule,hope it comes and goes quick (really squelched my kill bambi time).On a serious note,I thank the good Lord I have my leg and life.I will have da Betch update u all on surgery 4.Be thankfull for all u have this turkey day.

  47. Wow, that was nasty. Its 2 months since I've been over here? that can't be right!!!
    I see your friend is having the graft in a few days time now, hope everything goes well.
    Hope you are well yourself Cake betch :)

  48. IWASNTBLOGGEDYESTERDAY - Well it's been over 2 months since I've posted anything, and probably a lot longer since I posted something that was relevant :-) He goes in this week to find out what is happening with the graft so keep your fingers crossed! :-D

  49. scuse me, do you find that your boyfriend's incredibly good looks keep you from posting anymore? He is so handsome, you can't post?

  50. No-Socks Gary - Shut up Justin.

    Elliot MacLeod-Michael - I know I know. Someday I hope to post something again.... inspiration just never strikes anymore and even if it did between school and work and home stuff I'm already crazy as hell.

  51. Happy Blog Birthday! I haven't been around here in a long time, so I am glad it was on such a festive occasion that I returned...

  52. Meri - Thanks! I haven't been around here in a long time either :-/ I should probably try to write something, I just have zero ideas.

  53. 2peeeps - He's well! Big and dumb as always.

  54. Oh that is so gross. And really sucks. Hope he gets better soon.

    Just discovered your blog.. congrats on your one year anniversary of said blog. Looks like you've done a good job. :)

  55. Cherie - I know! Those aren't even the worst pictures.

    And thanks! Welcome! :-D

  56. Yeah I won't be checking those photos out, but thanks. LOL

    I'm loving the photos you gave him to make him feel better though. I'm sure he's relieved to know that Kaiser will be riding the bike in his absence.

    In all seriousness, my thoughts and prayers go out to him for a speedy recovery!

  57. lisa from insignificant at best - Lisa, your blog title makes me depressed. Shouldn't it be like, "LISA, CONQUERER OF INTERWEBZ"? or "LISTA FROM BEST OF THE MOTHEREFFING BEST?" Just saying.

    Kaiser took his bike home a month or two ago since it's winter and not a good time to be biking. Lorin had his bone graft surgery Nov 3rd and is doing well. Hopefully he'll be on his feet again soon.

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. I noticed you've been blogging only slightly less sporadically than me lately. I would have LOVED to send you an email reply to your comment on my blog (holy crap, you and others still friggin READ it?!) but I couldn't. So here's my only hope.
    Thanks for stopping by. I will try to do the same. You know, if you blog or whatever ;)

  60. How about getting your arse back here and do something hilarious!

  61. Pat - I want to. I think about it sometimes. But then the overwhelming pressure of it all scares me, not to mention the fact that between school, work, house, dog, and boyfriend, I have very little spare time. And then I wonder, "Would anyone even read it?" I'll try to work something out. Hopefully. <3s.

  62. No more blogging for you??? I just came across this and you are pretty funny!

  63. Kelly - For right now, probably not much blogging. I kind of hit a wall and never started again. I haven't shut it down completely because I think maybe some day I'll have some time to get it started again. We'll see. I appreciate the nice comment though! Thanks :-)

  64. Replies
    1. No what? I still check the comments!

      I actually looked you up a few months ago to see if you were still blogging ;D


Talk to the Cake Betch - I'll always respond. Unless you're a dick, then I'll just be mad.