Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy VD Everbuddi!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I know, I know, some of you really can't stand Valentine's Day cause you're single and bitter. We've all been there, sobbing between projectile vomits into the piss stained crapper at Denny's over lunch after one too many slugs from the emergency vodka bottle you keep under your front seat. Don't worry, eventually the fear that we'll die alone and get eaten by our seventeen cats before anyone knows we're gone forces us to find some other desperate human being and begin the long blissful remainder of our lives in servitude marriage.

And for those of you that don't hate today, Happy Valentine's Day!

On this most special of commercial holidays I wanted to make it very clear how much each and every one of you mean to me, and how happy all your sweet comments and encouragement make me.

(source pic courtesy of Mama!)


  1. Bwwwaahhhaaa!!! I love this!! Happy VD to you too. I mean Valentine's Day not actually VD (the kids call it std's now) to you.. because that would just be rude!
    Xo Xo Xo
    Thanks for the plug too

  2. Oddly enough... the exBF & I exchanged some very sweet messages today... so I'm good.
    Happy Hallmark Holiday to you too ♥

  3. Mama- Happy STD Day! Yay! Seriously, I have a friend that works in a pharmacy who says all their VD medicines as well as the day after pill spike in sales after today :-/
    Goofy - Aww :-) Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Thanks!

    And by the way, that picture should totally go on a Hallmark card that says something cheesy like "You're mine, forever and always."

  5. Shannon - With a close up of my crazy-faced stare on the back. Lol :-)

  6. Hahaha! Happy V-day to you! You make it sound so special.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

    I'm sure glad I'm over the emergency bottle of vodka under the seat phase of my life....

  8. Love the photo! Would be great if he had arm holes so he could hold your beer! - or feed you chocolates for Valentines...

  9. That is hilarious...and I would take to being carried around like this for one day, why not!

  10. Happy commercialized day to you too. haha

  11. BTW...I'd also be honored if you joined my free blog community at :)

  12. Pearl - Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
    FreeFlying - I think it can be as special or as not special as you want it. I just approach it like everything, with a bit of sass :-)
    laughingmom - If I wasn't in a relationship I would propose marriage to you. Comment = Full of Win
    Chuck - Oh hell yes, being carried around is awesome. I had Justin (the boy) carry me around for all of the two minutes he could support me yesterday. Haha!
    Copyboy - I will join!

  13. Copyboy - So maybe I've had too much VD wine, but I can't seem to locate you. Link me?

  14. Happy V-day! Um... but that doesn't really look like me, sticking my head out of your belly. Wut up wit dat?

  15. I wasn't of the "hate" variety until moments ago when my stupid husband returned from work and hadn't gotten me shit for Valentines day! So now, yes, I "hate"! I "hate" alot!

  16. Anna - Unfortunately I didn't have time to put everyone's face in my belly, and quite frankly I'm afraid that might be a little disturbing. So I put my boyfriend's there. I thought he'd appreciate it, and then everyone could just imagine that it was their face.
    Sandra - Oh man, this calls for some spousal abuse! Beat him with a sack of oranges - it'll get the message across but won't leave a bruise.

  17. We celebrate on President's Day instead. Makes people wonder and it's fun to transform a valentine card into something different or give a homemade card with a picture of Chester Allen Arthur on it.

  18. Pat - Sorry I missed you! I wasn't purposely skipping. See my comment about "too much VD wine". Happy Valentine's Day to you too! :-)
    Amber - LOL! I love the idea of giving my boyfriend pictures of dead presidents. Maybe we'll have to take that holiday up too!

  19. lol I love that picture. Happy Valentines. :D

  20. M Pax - Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day to you too

  21. Great photo.

    I don't mind Valentine's Day. I like the chocolate that comes with it.

  22. Whispering Writer - Me too! I like just about anything that makes me fatter.


Talk to the Cake Betch - I'll always respond. Unless you're a dick, then I'll just be mad.